Curso EWIS online - Sistema de interconexión de cableado eléctrico.
Curso EWIS online – Sistema de interconexión de cableado eléctrico.
Curso en Inglés
eLearning Course – English – Group 1 to 8
Porqué EWIS Onlie Course ?
Las tareas de inspección y mantenimiento aeronáutico deben llevarse a cabo según determinadas normativas y estándares internacionales, con el fin de asegurar la eficiencia y calidad de las operaciones realizadas. En este sentido, se establecen las regulaciones del sistema de cableado eléctrico de la aeronave, o electrical wiring interconnection system EWIS. A través de nuestros cursos EWIS se pretende aportar al alumnado los conocimientos relativos a los grupos 1,2,,4, 5,6,7 y 8 de los sistemas EWIS.
Why EWIS online course ?
Ewis training requirements. Aviation Accident Investigators have specifically cited the need for improved training of personnel to ensure adequate recognition and repair of potentially unsafe aircraft wiring conditions. This Online training will greatly enhance the awareness with regard to the importance of EWIS safety as concerns the overall safe operation of aeroplanes.
Course content
- EWIS target group 1. Initial and recurrent.
- EWIS target group 2. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target group 1&2. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target group 4. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target group 5. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target groups 4 & 5. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target group 6. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target group 7. Initial and recurrent
- EWIS target group 8. Initial and recurrent
Who should attend
This EWIS Online Course training program is aimed at the personnel who are not directly involved in the maintenance and inspection of EWIS, identified as (i.a.w. AMC 20-22). Ewis training in aviation is a main subject that Companies should take care of.
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