How it works

We have made it easy for you! You get trained and receive your certificate in two easy steps:
1.Buy a course:
Buying a training course is like buying a training voucher. You don’t need to create an account. However, if you have recurrent training needs, we advise you to register.
2.Take the course:
The training voucher consists of a trainee user ID and password. The trainee uses these access codes to log into the training portal, get trained and that’s it. As soon as he or she has completed the course, the certificate is sent to the email address provided at step 1.
You can use the site 2 different ways:
1.Express Buy Mode – The fastest way to get trained!
You just need to choose your training module, enter billing information and to pay. We then send your trainee access codes. The certificate is automatically generated and sent as soon as the trainee has completed the course and that’s it. Of course, this mode is best suited for individuals or small businesses with occasional training needs.
2.Registered Mode – The most comprehensive way to get trained!
You create an account. You create as many trainee profiles as you want and assign them the necessary courses. You have permanent access to a training dashboard which enables you, in real time, to manage the whole training process. if required, you can also add more manager profiles to assist in the management process. Of course, this option is best suited for companies with recurrent training needs. PLEASE NOTE: The training engine and the training courses are the same whatever mode you select.
The order process is as follows:
Click on “Purchase Training” on the Home Page
Click on “Express Buy”
Fill-in the order form
Confirm your order
Proceed to payment
Check your mail box or click on link to get your invoice and trainee access codes
Use these codes to access the training course
The order process is as follows:
Click on “Purchase Training”
Click on “Create an Account”
Fill-in the registration form
Confirm your registration
Check your mailbox or click on link to get your login details.
Log in to the Online Training Management Portal
Once you are logged on the Online Training Management Portal, you can:
Add Trainee
Add Trainee Manager
Purchase Training in two clicks
Access your Trainee progress
Amend/Dowload your Trainee Certificate