Our approvals in France:

Qualiopi certificate:

• Qualiopi certificate delivered by AFNOR. It is available for download here > Qualiopi Certificate 

Aviation Security courses for contributors (excluding screening agent):

• The DGAC approving Butterfly Training France for Aviation Security courses under authorization numbers DGAC N° FR/TR/2014/03-011 and DGAC N° FR/TR/2016/03-048
• Training can be recognized outside France under the framework of Article 11.7 of the European Regulation 2015/1998 ” Mutual recognition of training”. Compliancy may be checked with your local authorities.
• The official approval documentation is available here > Approval DGAC France

Dangerous Good Awareness Training:

• Butterfly Training, an IATA Accredited Training School. All our Dangerous Goods (DGR) Training Courses are designed under the guidance of IATA and ICAO. Compliancy may be checked with your local authorities.
• IATA accreditation > Download IATA CBTA Excellence accreditation

Airside driving authorization courses:

• Autorisation de circulation sur les aires de trafic – Aéroport Paris-CDG – AXXIS Formation
• Autorisation de circulation sur les aires de trafic – Aéroport Paris-ORLY – AXXIS Formation

Nos labels et agréments internationaux

• USA FAA approval for SUPS Courses – Inspection Authorization (IA) Requirement Training
UK CAA approval for Aviation Security Courses
• Irish IAA approval for Aviation Security Courses & Dangerous Good courses
 Competency Training & Assessment Center – Excellence certification (CBTA – Excellence for DGR Training Program)
• Germany mutual recognition for EU Security Awareness Courses 11.2.6 & 11.2.7
• Spanish AESA approval for Aviation Security Courses
• Danish approval for DGR Training
• Bulgarian CAA approval for Aviation Security Courses
• Polish CAA approval for Aviation Security Courses.

Compliant courseware with:

• International Aviation Standards – EASA, ICAO, and IATA
• US FAA, US 49 CFR for Hazmat regulation for US flights
• Canadian Transport TDG regulation
• Germany by mutual recognition for EU Security Awareness Courses 11.2.6 & 11.2.7
• Swedish and Norwegian CAA’s for IATA Dangerous Good Courses
• Belgium BCAA for DGR recurrent courses
• Spanish DGR Courses Compliancy

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